Map of IndiaArea in square kilometers 3,287,590 km2 controlled by India in dark green; Claimed but uncontrolled territories in light green Capital New Delhi 28°36.8′N 77°12.5′E / 28.6133°N 77.2083°E / 28.6133; 77. [source] ...
India is located in the south of the Asian continent, bordering the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. The country is slightly more than one-third the size of the United States. The country's territory is measured at nearly 3.3 million square kilometers (1.3 million square miles) extending...
In·diaˈin-dē-ə —used as a code word for the letteri Word History First Known Use 1952, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofIndiawas in 1952 See more words from the same year Articles Related toIndia ...
India is the biggest country in South Asia, about $ 2.98 million square kilometers (not including the Sino-Indian borders Indian-Kashmir and India control area). From the Himalayas to the South, into the India Ocean, is a mountain region in the North, is in central India rivers – Ganges...
India is part of the continent of Asia. Most of India forms a peninsula, which means it is surrounded by water on three sides.
population. Area:1,269,339 square miles (3,287,263 sq km) Bordering Countries:Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, Nepal and Pakistan Land frontier :15,200 km Coastline:7,517 kilometers. Lowest point on land:Sea level Hemispheres:Northern and Eastern ...
Area3287263 square kilometres (1269219 sq mi) Area wise in the world7th Location8°4' and 37°6' north latitude and 68°7' and 97°25' east longitude Stretch3,214 Kilometers from north to south 2,933 Kilometers from east to west ...
country comprising the major portion of the peninsula; a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations; until 1947 a part of the British Empire; capital New Delhi area 1,269,219 square miles (3,287,263 square kilometers), population 1,296,834,000 India词源中文解释 “印度次大陆,喜马拉雅山以...
भारतगणराज्यThesubcontinent'sbiggestcountryIndia is the world's second largest populous country, has rich cultural heritage and tourism is the largest country in South Asia, covers an area of 298 square kilometers, ranks seventh in the world. India's population of ...