Anup Kumar Srivastava, an expert at India’s National Disaster Management Authority, said the number of Indian states hit by heat waves was expected to grow to 23 this year from 9 in 2015. He said, “This year, the number of heat wave days has also increased — and it’s not just da...
And regions of the globe being hit by this heat wave are likely to be vulnerable to more heat waves in the future, Zobel said. "There is no question that heat waves are made worse by fossil fuels and climate change everywhere in the globe," he told CNBC. "India and Pakistan are two ...
Heat stressIndiaMigrant workTechnical and socio-cultural solutionsTransdisciplinary approachDuring the summer of 2015, India was hit by a scorching heat wave that melted pavements in Delhi and caused thousands of deaths, mainly among the most marginalized populations. One such group facing growing heat...
A deadly heat wave(热浪) has happened in parts of India this year. Temperatures in parts of the country during the past few days have hit 48 ºC in some areas. Over 1,100 people have been dead. Very hot weather is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes...
A deadly heat wave(热浪) has happened in parts of India this year.Temperatures in parts of the country during the past few days have hit 48°C in some areas.Over 1,100 people have been dead.Very hot weather is common in many parts of the world.Although hot weather just makes most ...
阅读理解 A deadly heat wave (热浪) has happened in parts of India this year. Temperature in parts of the country during the past few days has hit 48℃. Over 1,100 people have died. Very hot weather is common in many parts of the world. It not only makes most people hot, but also...
(D)A deadly(致命的)heat wave(热浪)has happened in parts of India this year. Temperaturesin parts of the country during the past few days have hit 48℃. Over 1,100 people have been dead.Very hot weather is common in many parts ofthe world. Although hot weather just makes mostpeople ho...
According to the IMD sources, the monsoon this year is expected to hit three days in advance than normal. The IMD has forecasted that the monsoons would progress rapidly into central, east and northeastern parts of the country by June 14. Editor...
Summer heat hit India early this year, and with temperatures soaring over 120 degrees, deaths blamed on the scorching conditions are soaring, too.
New Delhi hit 120 degrees on Sunday. A boy stands in line to collect water from a tanker provided by the municipal corporation at a slum in New Delhi, India, as much of the country suffers under a record-breaking heat wave, May 18, 2022.MONEY SHARMA/AFP/Getty ...