Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India grew by 6.1 per cent in Jan-Mar 2023, surpassing the estimated growth rate of quarter 4 (Q4) of 2022-23 at 5.1 per cent by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and 5.5 per cent by SBI research. According to the Reuters poll, Indian economy was ...
Read latest Indian economy news, government policy news, world economy news, Indian economy, GDP growth rate, IIP, Budget, Inflation, trade news and economic growth rate at EquityPandit.
India's GDP growth rate rose to a pace of 7.8% y/y in the April-June quarter of 2023, compared with growth of 6.1% y/y in the January-March quarter of 2023, according to data released by India's National Statistical Office. The strong growth rate was despite high base ...
As highlighted in theflowarticle, ‘India’s new growth frontiers’, India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. On 9 December 2023, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) revised its forecast for India’s GDP, projecting a growth rate of 7% for FY24, with Q3 and Q4 expected...
The RBI projection in its August Monetary Policy Statement for real GDP growth for fiscal year 2023-24 remained unchanged at 6.5%. Domestic economic activity is assessed by the RBI to have remained resilient in the April-June quarter of fiscal year 2023-24, as reflect...
Year-to-March 2025 GDP growth forecast cut to 6.6% from 7.2% High food prices to keep consumer inflation elevated in Oct-Dec 2024 In its monetary policy decision, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) retained its monetary policy stance at “neutral”. It has ...
Against its previous estimate of 8.7 percent GDP growth during the financial year 2022-2023, the World Bank has now slashed it to eight percent. Likewise, RBI cut down its GDP growth estimates from 7.8 percent to 7.2 percent. Morgan Stanley slashed it from 8.4 percent to 7.9 percent, while...
EconomyWatch:November2023|5 Budget,themedium-termfiscalpolicycumfiscalpolicystrategystatementprovidedestimatedmagnitudesoffiscaldeficitrelativetoGDPforonlytwoyearscoveringFY23REandFY24BE.ThepracticeofgivinganestimatedglidepathoverthemediumtermasprovidedforintheFRBMActasamendedin2018shouldbeadheredto.TheActcalledforpro...
The Reserve Bank of India lowered its forecast for India's second-quarter growth.Previous estimates by the RBI put GDP growth during India's fiscal second-quarter — which is from July to September — at 7.2%. However, the RBIreduced its forecast to 6.8%, attributing it to weakness in...
India experienced a 6.9% GDP expansion in the fiscal year ending in 2023, according to the World Bank. It's expected to moderate to 6.3% in 2024.20India is one of the fastest-growingmajor emerging economies. It's also become a focus of investors across the globe....