{{filterStock(list.salesStatus, list.stockStatus)}} x{{list.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{list.originPrice}}-{{dataList.symbol}}{{list.nowPrice}} {{item.evaluateOrder.productName}} Exchange Discount -{{dataList.symbol}}{{item.evaluateOrder.tradeInDiscount}} {{showAllFlag ? dataCart.txt...
V. (2018). Tax revenue mobilization episodes in emerging markets and low-income countries: Lessons from a new dataset. International Monetary Fund. Altuwaijria, M. M., & Khorsheed, M. S. (2012). InnoDiff: A project-based model for successful IT innovation diffusion. International Journal ...
After integrating the MISH and NSSO data with our own dataset, we constructed an econometric model to forecast Indian household income and spending from 2006 to 2025. Our analysis shows that if India continues on its current high growth path, over the next tw...
Overview: Bank Transfer and Cheque Printing The preliminary program for Data Medium exchange [DME] generates a temporary dataset that is used as input for the Data Medium exchange program. This report creates a file that complies with the banking regulations for DME by clicking and contains all p...
A key standout of the IHDS panel dataset is the detailed information on income captured from various sources (farming, agricultural/non-ag, business, labour, salary, remittances, government benefits4), in contrast to surveys such as the National Sample Survey (NSS) that use consumption ...
We isolated normal day-to-day walking journeys (n = 199) from the personal monitoring dataset and assessed the relationship between greenspace and personal PM2.5 using different spatial scales of the mean Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), mean tree cover (TC), and proportion of ...
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) disease represents the causative agent with a potentially fatal risk which is having great glo
In this sense, the MRIO in themselves represent a novel comprehensive dataset containing valuable information to understand the structure of the economy of the countries analyzed and paying special attention to the role of the economy in the deltas. However, the combination of MRIO tables with ...