In June 1970, the BBC showcased its new documentary series, Phantom India to much disapproval from the Indian state and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). In response to the Phantom India affair, the NAM established its Commission for Broadcasting in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia in 1976. And yet...
SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, July 16 (Xinhua) -- Indian and Pakistani prime ministers meet here Thursday on the sidelines of the 15th summit of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The meeting between Manmohan Singh of India and Yousuf Raza Gilani of Pakistan was widely expected to raise hopes of relaunc...
Stone Age rock shelters with paintings at the Bhimbetka rock shelters in Madhya Pradesh are the earliest known traces of human life in India. The first known permanent settlements appeared over 9,000 years ago and gradually developed into the Indus Valley Civilisation,[25] dating back to 3300 ...
people-to-people exchange and non-governmental exchange between China and India have never been interrupted. China and India are fundamental pillars of Oriental multiculturalism, which highlights experience and intuition with focus
International Relations Non-Aligned Movement: Historically, India was a leader in the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War. UN and Other Alliances: It’s a member of the UN, BRICS, G20, and seeks a greater role in global governance structures....
and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). India is now strengthening its political and commercial ties with the United States, Japan, the European Union, Iran, China, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. India is an active member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (...
The U.S.-India bilateral partnership has surprised many. Sitting on opposite sides during the Cold War — the U.S. leading the charge against communism and India leading the non-aligned movement — no scholar nor forecaster could have predicted the growth and trajectory of the relations be...
India remains a leader of the developing world and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). India is now strengthening its political and commercial ties with the United States, Japan, the European Union, Iran, China, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. India is an active member of the ...
to ecological environment, natural resources and climate change. China and India should adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, inherit the tradition of the Non-Aligned Movement, and work together to build a ...
He added that Cyprus and India enjoyed close relations as a result of the personal friendships of their leaders at the time, Mahatma Gandhi of India and Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus, both imposing figures of the Non-Aligned Movement.