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P., & Kunzendorf, H. (1996). Multiple factors in the origin of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: The role of environmental stress and Deccan Trap volcanism. Geologische Rundschau, 85, 191–210. Article CAS Google Scholar Gulick, S. P., Bralower, T. J., Ormö, J., Hall, B., ...
In other words, India’s “aspiration” to emerge as a great power in Asia and the world has been clearly conveyed to the highest echelons of the Chinese government. Notably, Chinese leaders beginning with President Xi Jinping himself have acknowledged India’s aspirations. During his visit to ...
US foreign policy objectives, and to the stability of the international economic system. First, India and China are the two most populous countries in the world, each armed with nuclear weapons. The death toll of a protracted conflict between the two states would be astronomical...
and information management system) receive financial assistance of INR 500 (USD 6) per month to PwTB for nutritional support directly transferred to their account for the duration of anti-TB treatment [15,16,17]. NPY completed five years of its implementation in 2023, and, the Central TB ...
openness, trust and safety, and accountability. In June this year, Union Minister of State for Electronics & Technology, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, invited public inputs on the draft amendments to the IT Rules 2021 with an ‘open, safe and trusted, accountable internet’ as the central area of ...
21. Barring the detection of two maternal COI lineages and a limited number ofTpihaplotypes, genetic variability in the invasive populations was found to be very low. In addition, detection of a unique AfricanTpi‘rice’ haplotype in the populations from India and south east Asia further ...
and energy prices. With geopolitical tensions in Central Asia and Ukraine escalating, the spike in energy prices is fomenting inflation even as global growth slows. Currently, China is the only major economy cutting rates to stem sharply slowing domestic demand. Many south-east Asian central banks...
The risk for Japanese encephalitis varies by local ecology and season. In temperate areas of Asia, human disease usually peaks in summer and falls down after that and these seasonal epidemics can be explosive with thousands of cases occurring over a period of several months; whereas, in the ...
Abstract The present study evaluates the adjuvant effect ofrec-B2L protein oforf virusand widely used oil adjuvant with purified inactivated FMDV 146S trivalent antigens (O, A and Asia 1) in guinea pig model.Rec-B2L protein expressed in prokaryotic expression system was co-administered intraderma...