India has remained a vibrant democracy with a fiercely independent press and judiciary and growing oversight by NGOs. Its superior economic performance in recent years has also put paid to the notion
s probably why the Government of India grants tax exemptions on leave travel allowances provided by the employer. Your workforce should know that if their LTA is part of their CTC, employees can cover costs borne on transportation like economic airfare, first-class AC railway travel or other ...
B Otas - Advances and Concerns in Africa's Health Systems: Despite Africa's Economic Growth in Recent Years, Healthcare Remains One Area Where the Continent Struggles. Governments Are Faced with the Challenge of Coming Up with Solutions That Will Help Maintain a Healthy and Thriving Society. Ne...
In many ways India counts as one of liberalisation's greatest success stories. For years, it pottered along, weighed down by the regulations that made up the licence raj, producing only a feeble “Hindu” rate of growth. But over the past 15 years it has been transformed into a far more...