The first thought was that I need a string array that was indexed. I thought I could do something like: fori=1:n char(i)=('Help'num2str(i)); end but this is not working. It will to accept the indexed number and the string. together, although the code without the text works fine...
but also readable and expressive. Matrices are a core component of MATLAB for organizing and analyzing data, and indexing is key to the effectiveness of manipulating matrices in an understandable way.
MATLAB "is" functions also return logical arrays that indicate which elements of the input meet a certain condition. For example, check which elements of a string vector are missing using theismissingfunction. str = ["A""B"missing"D""E"missing]; ind = ismissing(str) ...
I need to convert 'CodeTimes' within 'BehavioralCodes' in each trial (each trial is saved individually like trial1) from a string to an integer. I have tried: code_times = str2num('CodeTimes') but that gives me an empty array so I am definitely doing something wrong. ...
syntax errors. In MATLAB, when calling a function or indexing an array, you need to use parentheses appropriately. To correct
ODEfcn = matlabFunction(VF,'Vars',{T,Y}); [t, Sol] = ode45(ODEfcn, [0 1], [1 0]+eps); figure yyaxisleft plot(t, Sol(:,1)) yyaxisright plot(t, Sol(:,2)) gridon legend(string(Subs),'Location',) comb_func = @(t,x)[ ...
Open in MATLAB Online code: ThemeCopy [IMF, residual, info] = emd(eeg_signal); imf_count = max(info.NumIMF); Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type. 1 Comment Komal on 23 Nov 2023 Thanks a lot sir. Sign in to comment...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi @Lea Kerciku, To save the trials numbers in a vector you can use “cell2mat” function. ThemeCopy % Load the Excel table containing rejected trials rejected_trials = xlsread('path_to_your_excel_file.xlsx'); % Extract the trial numbers for reject...
S = string(cellstr(('F':-1:'A')')); K = S(4:6)' + {'-','','+'}'; K = [S(1:3);K(1:end-1)']; out = discretize(grades,v,K); 0 件のコメント サインインしてコメントする。 カテゴリ MATLABData Import and AnalysisData Import and ExportStandard File ...