Once the database is opened, operations need to be performed on object stores. An object store can be opened inside a [transaction that is in progress] (#transInProgress) or using a shorthand on the `$.indexedDB` object like. ``` javascript var objectStore = $.indexedDB("database_name"...
import type { FSModule, FileContents } from 'browserfs'; /* note: FSModule is similar to import * as fs; type FSModule = typeof fs; FileContents is an alias for string | BufferLike */ const enum StorageType { PERSISTANT, TEMPORARY, } class Database { // changed to BrowserFS wrappe...
@nilsdI didn't really come to a conclusion to how severe the error is. As I feared that it could affect data integrity or keep the database in an unresponsive state, I implemented two hacky workarounds: Lock database when the app is in background ...
Once the database is open, the function restore2 is called, which looks for a record with a given key (which will actually be the constant ‘Basic’ in this case): /* * Tries to restore game, once database has been opened */ this.restore2 = function(scope) { var transaction = thi...
Let’s start by reviewing what will/could occur when you will open the Indexed Database. The first mistake I did was to think that the onupgradeneeded event wasn’t followed by the onsuccess event. I was believing that onsuccess was only raised if the DB al...
alert("The database has been opened"); }); function databaseOpen(callback) { // Open a database, specify the name and version var version = 1; var request = indexedDB.open('todos', version); request.onsuccess = function(e) { ...
You might've been thinking all along: "Yes! Why do I have to learn how toquerythe database, why can't I justgetAll(), then find what I want with JavaScript?" Indeed you can, but there's one problem: IndexedDB is designed to be a database, which means some people may store a...
Let’s start by reviewing what will/could occur when you will open the Indexed Database. The first mistake I did was to think that theonupgradeneededevent wasn’t followed by theonsuccessevent. I was believing thatonsuccesswas only raised if the DB already existed and opened successfully. ...