氯酸根离子符号是ClO3-,氯酸盐是氯酸所成的盐类,含有三角锥型的氯酸根离子—ClO₃−,其中氯原子的氧化态为+5。氯酸盐有强氧化性,储存时应避免接触有机材料及还原性的物质。氯酸盐曾用作烟火中的氧化剂,但由于稳定性不高,现大多已被高氯酸盐所代替。 氯酸根 ClO₃- (-1价)。氯为+5价。 氯酸根离子...
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A body monitoring sensor system is described and wherein a sensor module is attachable to a thermally insulated article of warmth, such as an article of apparel, having a thermal insulation of a known clo index value and wherein the sensor system has various sensors to produce various ...
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Use FloatToStr in Clomosy to convert a floating-point number to a string with up to 15 digits of precision for accurate display.
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These are important and valid questions. The CLO Foundry is the place to forge your team and your leadership mettle to make the TOUGH SHIFT from a CEO-run organization to a CLO-led company of leaders. Becoming a Chief Leadership Officer starts with a decision to be a CLO–to reform your...