IndexBuffer ib =newIndexBuffer(Context,false); Geometry geom =newGeometry();// Shadowed buffer needed for raycasts to work, and so that data can be automatically restored on device lossvb.Shadowed =true; vb.SetSize(numVertices, ElementMask.Position | ElementMask.Normal,false); vb.SetData(vert...
開發者ID:JamShan,項目名稱:Phoenix3D_2.1,代碼行數:21,代碼來源:PX2ClodMesh.cpp 注:本文中的IndexBuffer::GetElementSize方法示例由純淨天空整理自Github/MSDocs等開源代碼及文檔管理平台,相關代碼片段篩選自各路編程大神貢獻的開源項目,源碼版權歸原作者所有,傳播和使用請參考對應項目的License;未經允許,請勿轉載。
buffer size value to B max-A and increasing a minimum buffer size value to B min-A based on the first table, or by increasing a maximum buffer size value to B max-A , and increasing a number of the buffer size index to N LTE-A ; choosing, by a User Equipment (UE) in reporting...
Innodb_buffer_pool_size:当前缓冲池的大小。 Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty:脏页数量,如果这个数值过高,可能需要考虑优化写入操作。 Innodb_buffer_pool_reads:从磁盘读取的数据页的数量,过高的值说明缓冲池的大小不足。 5. 配置示例 在mysql配置文件(my.cnf 或 my.ini)中,配置 innodb_buffer_pool_size 如下:...
\mysql-5.1.30-winx64\bin>mysqld --key_buffer_size=4200M --key_cache_block_size=16k --delay-key_write=all ... mysql> insert into `t1`(`a`) select `a` from `t1`; Query OK, 6291456 rows affected (4 min 24.67 sec) Records: 6291456 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> alter table...
默认值为#default_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: private int index(File indexDir, File dataDir, String suffix) throws Exception { IndexWriter index = new IndexWriter(, new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT), true, IndexWriter....
The value of theFilterBufferSizeentry sets the size in memory for a communication buffer of an Indexing Service filter process. Summary Type:REG_DWORD Units:Kilobytes Default:128 Range:64 - 1024 Related topics Catalog, Property, and Scope Registry Entries ...
cache和buffer 2019-12-12 15:21 − 缓存(cached)是把读取过的数据保存起来,重新读取时若命中(找到需要的数据)就不要去读硬盘了,若没有命中就读硬盘。其中的数据会根据读取频率进行组织,把最频繁读取的内容放在最容易找到的位置,把不再读的内容不断往后排,直至从中删除。缓冲(buffers)是根据磁盘的读写设计的...
那么问题来了,当入参足够长的时候,会报错如下 [Err] ERROR: index row size2720exceeds maximum2712forindex"pk_t_portal_slave_extend"HINT: Values larger than1/3of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Consider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing. ...