选中单元格,插入-超链接,左侧选择“本文档中的位置”,然后设置要对应的Sheet和单元格 如下图选择Sheet2中的A1单元格。
b = InputBox("请问你要从第几个sheet开始编制INDEX: ") For i = b To Worksheets.Count Cells(r + i - b, c) = Worksheets(i).Name Next i For i = b To Worksheets.Count t = Cells(r + i - b, c) Cells(r + i - b, c).Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Addres...
The combination of the Index and Match functions in Excel can overcome the limitations of the VLOOKUP function and handle more complex data retrieval tasks. Example: Look up Employee Salary Assume you have the following data in an Excel sheet: To find the salary of a specific employee in a p...
请将'Sheet1'替换为你想选择的工作表的名称。 步骤4:读取指定行数据 现在,我们已经打开了Excel文件并获取了工作表,我们需要读取指定行的数据。我们可以使用sheet对象的cell()方法来访问单元格,通过指定行和列的索引。 # 读取指定行数据row_data=[]forcolumninrange(1,sheet.max_column+1):cell_value=sheet.cell...
应该是行数值有了‘合计’行(+1)的变化导致的 你可以试试单独写入前两个合并单元格的公式,然后与‘合计’格一同选中(共9行),再下拉填充
Before we jump into that, let's first ensure you are aware ofExcel's built in pop-up sheet index. To see this simply right click on the sheet scroll tabs to the left of the name tabs. By doing this you will see a pop-up menu like shown below; ...
R语言导入数据文件(数据导入、加载、读取)、使用xlsx包的read.xlsx函数导入excel文件(Excel File)、sheetIndex设置读取excel文件的第几个表单(sheet) read.xlsx函数 # read in the first worksheet from the workbook myexcel.xlsx # first row contains variable names library(xlsx) # mydata <- read.xlsx...