Parent Directory- README.txt2019-04-26 13:17:37357.0B bolt-0.19.0-x64.msi2018-04-30 10:33:0621.9MiB bolt-0.19.1-x64.msi2018-04-30 10:35:5721.9MiB pdk- 11:27:47162.9MiB pdk- 15:47:3983.0MiB ...
10.0.5/ 2021-10-18 09:33 - 10.0.6/ 2021-10-27 16:26 - 10.0.7/ 2022-03-16 15:12 - 10.0.8/ 2022-11-29 23:51 - 10.0.9/ 2023-01-25 15:08 - 10.1.0/ 2021-10-17 21:43 - 10.1.1/ 2021-10-27 16:31 - ...
Below is an index of publications written by Microsoft researchers, often in collaboration with the academic community. Opens in a new tab Current selections Sort by: Most recent Clear selections Refine results Search within these results Search Research Areas Artificial intelligence (7943)...
This content is public by design, and is meant to be consumed programmatically, via Linux packaging clients (apt, dnf, yum, etc). This HTML interface (provided via "Directory Browsing") is deliberately enabled for the convenience of our users. However, the composition of the underlying HTML,...
An index of Windows binaries, including download links for executables such as exe, dll and sys files. All linked binary files are hosted on the Microsoft public symbol server (, Winbindex merely indexes metadata that enables to generate those links. ...
Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice Windows.Devices.I2c Windows.Devices.I2c.Provider Windows.Devices.Input Windows.Devices.Input.Preview Windows.Devices.Lights Windows.Devices.Lights.Effects Windows.Devices.Midi Windows.Devices.Perception Windows.Devices.Perception.Provider Windows.Devices.PointOfService Windows....
Windows.Storage.Search 編輯 擷取集合中指定之排序專案的索引。 public bool IndexOf(SortEntry value, out uint index); 參數 value SortEntry 在集合中尋找的排序專案。 index UInt32 如果找到排序專案,則為以零起始的索引。 如果找不到排序專案,此參數會設定為零。
Windows.Web Windows.Web.AtomPub Windows.Web.Http Windows.Web.Http HttpBufferContent HttpClient HttpCompletionOption HttpCookie HttpCookieCollection HttpCookieCollection 属性 方法 First GetAt GetMany IndexOf HttpCookieManager HttpFormUrlEncodedContent ...
publicintIndexOf(T item,intindex); 參數 item T 要在List<T>中尋找的物件。 參考類型的值可以是null。 index Int32 搜尋之以零為起始的起始索引。 0 (零) 在空白清單中有效。 傳回 Int32 在List<T>中從index開始到最後一個元素的範圍內,第一次出現item的位置之以零為起始的索引 (如有找到),如未找...
IndexOf(Array, Object) Source: Array.cs 在一个一维数组中搜索指定对象,并返回其首个匹配项的索引。 C# publicstaticintIndexOf(Array array,object?value); 参数 array Array 要搜索的一维数组。 value Object 要在array中查找的对象。 返回 Int32