(1967), `An Annotated Index of Plant Diseases in Canada and Fungi Recorded on Plants in Alaska, Canada and Greenland', Ottawa, ON: Canadian Department of Agriculture Publication 1251, p. 381.Conners IL. 1967. An annotated index of plant diseases in Canada and fungi recorded on plants in ...
"Alfalfa Plant-Bug." A Common Name for an Introduced European Bug (Adelphocoris Lineolatus Goeze) Found in Iowa (Hemiptera, Miridae) The first specimens of an European plant bug (Adelphocoris Lineolatus) found in the United States were taken at Ames, Iowa, June 18, 1929. It was previo...
in air pollution. Atmospheric air pollution is the result of measures aimed at compensating for the economic and social needs of the people, the secondary impact of their activities. It is known that factories and power stations which operate in large cities emit toxins into the atmosphere, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(3073 articles) Proceedings of the Royal Society B(484 articles) Radiology(184 articles) Science(747 articles) Science Advances(2175 articles) Science Translational Medicine(233 articles) ...
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γδ T cells and recognition of malignant disease44–58 Vδ1+ T cells46–48 Vδ2+ T cells45–46 for SCD and beta thalassaemia413t and value-based pricing implementation in United States420–428 Cell Therapy Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC)660 CellChain platform757 Cellectis637–638644 ...
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Given their high degree of toxicity, bioaccumulation, and persistence in the body, environmental monitoring of Pb, Hg, and Cd—considered priority heavy metals by the United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)3—is of great significance to public health. These heavy metals have been...
The integration of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) into emergency health systems in China serves as a model for global policy development and refining the inclusion of traditional medicine in health emergencies. This study investigated 13 public healt
food-borne diseases128 illness251 microbiological incursions31–32 food-contact articles332–333 food–packaging interactions and changes in organoleptic properties of food297–307 migration301–306 permeation or leaching307 sorption297–300 functionality33 grain processing business402 ...