(Roman Catholic Church)RC Church(formerly) an official list of proscribed books. Often called:the Index [C17, literally: list of forbidden books] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009...
Index Librorum Prohibitorum, list of books once forbidden by Roman Catholic Church authority as dangerous to the faith or morals of Roman Catholics. Publication of the list ceased in 1966, and it was relegated to the status of a historical document. Lear
BANNED booksINDEXINGINDEXESHOLY Roman EmpireSCHOLARLY peer reviewPATRONAGEThis article discusses the topic of the Index of Prohibited Books, which was used by the Roman Catholic Church to ban certain books between the Counter-Reformation and the Second Vatican Council. The author, Robin ...
Banned Books of the Mid-Twentieth Century Recently, this question arrived in the BOTD inbox: “Interested in looking through the Index listings for the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Can this be found online?” The answer is YES. All of J.M. de Bujanda et al.’sIndex des Livres Interditsmay...
The Fake-Filibuster: Because Senator Ted Cruz Loves The Sound Of His Own Voice September 24, 2013 Popular Science Decides To Shut Off Article Comments, Citing ‘Decades-Long War On Expertise’ September 24, 2013 Prison-Industrial Complex Watch: 1.5 Million Floridians Banned From Voting September ...
Also in February 2005, the United Kingdom’s Food Safety Authority held off announcing that many prepared foods were contaminated with tiny amounts of the banned red dye Sudan 1, because it wanted to prepare a list of affected products first. It was widely criticized for the delay. Obviously...
On the very same day that Google caved into these US governments demands, this report continues, they then announced that they had blacklisted and banned over 11 million websites that had been registered for free through the co.cc subdomain the world over. Giving as its reason for this ...
Also in February 2005, the United Kingdom’s Food Safety Authority held off announcing that many prepared foods were contaminated with tiny amounts of the banned red dye Sudan 1, because it wanted to prepare a list of affected products first. It was widely criticized for the delay. Obviously...
banned banner banners baptist bar barbados barbara barbie barcelona bare barely bargain bargains barn barnes barrel barrier barriers barry bars base baseball based baseline basement basename bases basic basically basics basin basis basket basketball baskets bass bat batch bath bathroom bathrooms baths batman...
Some legislatures have proposed huge fines for schools, universities, and teachers if they discuss banned topics. Paradoxically, a national Gallup Poll in 2021 revealed that more than 70% of parents are satisfied and approve of the education their children are receiving and less than 20% are dis...