you'll need when you want to build the packages yourself. The 'pkg' directory contains the binary packages, ready for installation using 'installpkg' or 'upgradepkg'. You'll find *.tgz (the package itself), *.txt (the package description) and *.md5 (containing the md5 checksum of the...
Sep 5, 2024 #15 when i convert my mkv's to h.265 mp4's (to save space on my nas) i just do it all in software with handbrake, since software always produces the best video quality/size results. the QSV vs VNC question comes into play with plex hw transcoding. all of my medi...
[譯名]:Inside Out 2 (2024) [地區]:美國 [大小]:2.40GB [尺寸]:1920x804 [格式]:BDrip-MKV [時間]:01:36:26 [空間]:Katfile / Rapidgator [效期]:直至破檔 [類別]:劇情 / 喜劇 / 動畫 / 奇幻 / 冒險 / 家庭 [語言]:粵語 / 台配國語 / 國配國語 / 英語 [字幕]:港繁中 / 台繁中...
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