return_array–从何处返回相应的值?这可能是一列、一行甚至一个范围——这意味着我们可以为每个匹配返回多个单元格。请注意,与VLOOKUP不同,与INDEX MATCH类似,return_array可以位于查找数组之前 [if_not_fond]–可选参数–如果找不到值,返回什么。我们可以键入值、文本(例如:“value not found!”),甚至可以使用单...
INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num])参数说明:array:必需,要从中查找值的表格或数组。row_num:必需,指定返回的行号。[column_num]:可选,默认为1,指定返回的列号。2. MATCH 函数简介 功能描述:MATCH函数用于返回指定值在数组中的相对位置。语法:MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])参数...
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]) lookup_value: 要查找的值; lookup_array: 要在其中搜索的数组; match_type: 可选,匹配类型,可以是1(小于)、0(完全匹配)或-1(大于)。 一、逆向查询 如下图所示,需要通过B列的编码查询对应的A列的人员姓名,在F2单元格输入公式:=INDEX(A:A, MATCH(E2...
The Index Match function in Excel is a powerful tool for data retrieval and lookup. It consists of two functions: INDEX and MATCH. INDEX extracts data from a specific row and column in an array, while MATCH finds the position of a value within the array. By combining these functions,...
array T[] 要搜尋的一維且以零為起始的 Array。 startIndex Int32 向後搜尋之以零為起始的起始索引。 count Int32 區段中要搜尋的項目數目。 match Predicate<T> 定義要搜尋項目之條件的 Predicate<T>。 傳回 Int32 符合match 所定義條件的元素,最後一次出現項目之以零為起始的索引 (若有找到),否則...
IndexOf(Array, Object, Int32, Int32), to determine the first occurrence of the string "the" in a string array from the element that follows the last successful match to the end of the array. C# Copy Run // Create a string array with 3 elements having the same value. String[] stri...
When theMATCHfunction does not find the lookup value in the lookup array, it returns the #N/A error. If you believe that the data is present in the spreadsheet, butMATCHis unable to locate it, it may be because: The cell has unexpected characters or hidden spaces. ...
When theMATCHfunction does not find the lookup value in the lookup array, it returns the #N/A error. If you believe that the data is present in the spreadsheet, butMATCHis unable to locate it, it may be because: The cell has unexpected characters or hidden spaces. ...
Source: Array.cs Recherche un élément qui correspond aux conditions définies par le prédicat spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la dernière occurrence trouvée dans le Array entier. C# Copier public static int FindLastIndex<T> (T[] array, Predicate<T> match); Paramètres...
Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by a specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within an Array or a portion of it.