Viral subunit vaccines often contain immunodominant non-neutralizing epitopes that divert host immune responses. These epitopes should be eliminated in vaccine design, but there is no reliable method for evaluating an epitope’s capacity to elicit neutra
GTalign tackles this challenge by introducing a spatial index for each structure, which allows for considering atoms independently and ensures O(1) time complexity for the alignment problem (Fig. 1a). Although post-processing is necessary to preserve sequence order, it has sublinear rather than qua...
is the number of atoms in the nano particle. is the distance between atom i and atom j. The brackets representing a time or temperature average. The rms of the bond fluctuation is considerable lower for a solid than for a liquid, due to restrained degrees of freedom. In a solid, the ...
A very simple but general index of kinetic stability, T , is proposed for π -electron systems, which is defined as a highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)- lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy separation multiplied by the number of conjugated atoms. This new index can be just...
from the chemical action in the growth and development of exposed organisms. On the other hand, MIs higher than the negative control are results of an increase in cell division, which can be harmful to the cells, leading to a disorderedcell proliferationand even to the formation of tumor ...
However, the stable variance in extraversion is larger than the stable variance in well-being (Anusic & Schimmack, 2016). This implies that extraversion causes well-being rather than the other way-around because causality goes from the more stable variable to the less stable variable (Conley, ...
I am not sure this is a bug fix or a feature I am asking for, but here goes. Now that we are using pdb files to hold systems of protein+ligands+water+ions the number of water molecules is often greater than 9999. Common practice is to gi...
Such resonators can also have approximately rectangular forms or (if the opening is made larger) like horseshoes. The resonances of such a resonator can be in the mid-infrared domain (with wavelengths of a few microns) when its width is reduced to the order of a few hundred nanometers. ...
The magnetic dipole on the miniarray is governed by the magnetic dipole on the nanoring, according to the significantly larger amplitude and time-average of the extractedpm, except on the middle convex layer, where the sum of dipoles is larger on the quadrumer. Thepmis oriented predominantly ...
From the viewpoint of momentum conservation, these two loss channels exist because the momentum of the in-plane wave travelling within the PhC slab is less than that of the plane wave in free space, so light can couple out of the PhC slab upward and downward in the form of plane waves ...