有 些情况下虽然在查询栏位中定义了index,但是PLSQL并没有走该栏位的索引,因为Oracle在解析计划时一种基于Role,一种是基于Cost有 些情况下走Index的效率比全表扫秒更低,并不是建了Index,PLSQL性能会成倍提高,更糟的情况下,建Index还会导致性能比原来无索引更 糟,这里有个理解误区,所以稍微提一下 ;) 而且,...
SQL>@/home/oracle/sql/idx_usage_detail.sql SH1IndexTablenameIndexnameIndextype Size MBIndexoperation Executions--- --- --- --- --- ---COSTS COSTS_PROD_BIX BITMAP1.75-0COSTS_TIME_BIX BITMAP1.75-0***
Oracle PL/SQL语言中索引表相当于JAVA中的数组,可以保存多个数据,并通过下标来访问。不同的是,索引表的下标可以是整数也可以是负数或字符串,索引表无需初始化,可以直接为指定索引赋值,开辟的索引表的索引不一定必须连续。 1、索引表的定义语法 TYPE 类型名称 IS TABLE OF 数据类型 [NOT NULL] INDEX BY [PLS_...
interference in OracleParameter class, introduction, overview, 1.2 INullable Interface interface description, 14 interface members, 14 interface properties, 14 invalidation message, 3.16.1 ensuring persistency of, 3.16.2 InvalidCastException, IOracleArrayTypeFactory Interface interface descri...
PL/SQL Packages and Types Referencefor more information on theDBMS_STATSpackage Noteson Function-based Indexes When you subsequently query a table that uses a function-based index, you must ensure in the query that is not null. However, Oracle Database will use a function-based index in a ...
Oracle Payments - Version 12.1.3 to 12.2.6 [Release 12.1 to 12.2]: ORA-6502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value in Package IBY_FNDCPT_TRXN_PU
一:什么是Oracle执行计划? 执行计划是一条查询语句在Oracle中的执行过程或访问路径的描述 二:怎样查看Oracle执行计划? 因为我一直用的PLSQL远程连接的公司数据库,所以这里以PLSQL为例: ①:配置执行计划需要显示的项: 工具—> 首选项 —> 窗口类型 —> 计划窗口 —> 根据需要配置要显示在执行计划中的列 ...
在Oracle中,可以使用以下语法定义存储过程或函数的参数: 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name (parameter_name [IN | OUT] data_type [, ...]) IS BEGIN -- procedure body END; CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name (parameter_name [IN | OUT] data_type [, ......
2. Don't eliminate ORDER clause in a queryblock in which there is a window function or ranking column, or other type of ranking; 3. Add default database/schema support in SQL Parser and DDL parser; 4. Improve view parser for oracle; 5. Use UNION ALL instead of UNION in ...
SQL insert into select 用法一张存在的表,插入的新数据来源别的表时,可以使用insert into select语法。...insert into 表名2 select * from 表名1 where 条件例子上文 user 表与user_copy表结构一样,因此例子如下: insert into user_copy...select * from user u where u.id in(1,2) id ...