Daily Living Aids Mobility Canes and Mobility Durable Medical Equipment Assistive Technology Hearing Alerting Systems Amplified Phones & Accessories Amplifiers Hearing Care Talking Products Free Shipping for all domestic orders over $75 (Conditions Apply) ...
Reports on the acquisition of cataloger Ann Morris Enterprises by cataloger Independent Living Aids (ILA) in February 2004. Number of catalogs mailed by Ann Morris per year to the visually impaired; Consumers of ILA; Expected increase in the catalog circulation of Ann Morris.Del...
https://www.independentliving.com/restoreoldorder.asp?ord= Qty in Basket : 0. Canes And Mobility Aids. CCTVs and Digital Magnifiers. Labeling and Marking Materials. Writing, Record Keeping and Money Management. Desktop CCTV's with Built-In Monitors. Enhanced Vision Systems Cameras. The ila 20...
Reports on the acquisition of cataloger Ann Morris Enterprises by cataloger Independent Living Aids (ILA) in February 2004. Number of catalogs mailed by Ann Morris per year to the visually impaired; Consumers of ILA;...