See flyer here... James and Gournay are on the Lovejoy School Board now. Deceptive Graph: (gives appearance of improvement - look closely) This graphs starting at 11th (left) and goes up to 3rd (right) Great to Bad : This is the same chart but shows Lovejoy children's performance ...
Raquel grew up on theWest SideofLAaroundSanta MonicaandVenice, close toGilbert’s El Indio, her family’s Mexican restaurant, which, over the past 44 years, has become an institution. Raquel Rodriguez –Talk of This Town LIVE @ Blue Dream Studios Raquel shed her shy disposition at a young...
Campania e rezultatul muncii unor părinți și prieteni care au subscris cauzei. Nu am avut buget de campanie. Toate flyerele, roll-up-urile și insignele au fost făcute de cei din echipă care dețineau diverse resurse. Sau am făcut chete. Iar campania de strânger...