Service officials say the Navy will continue to buy Flight III destroyers and have a three-year construction overlap between them and the next-generation destroyer known as the DDG(X) program,USNI News reported earlier this year. With DDG(X) set to begin construction in Fiscal Year 2032 and ...
Despite daily shelling, Anya finds resistance and purpose in her art, Andrey takes the dangerous journey to get his young family to safety abroad, and Slava becomes a weapons instructor for ordinary people who have become unlikely soldiers. As the war intensifies, Andrey picks up his camera to...
In this, he is much like the late, wonderful comedian George Gobel, who spent World War II in Oklahoma as a flight instructor in AT-9 aircraft and later in B-26 Marauder bombers. When he spoke of his WWII duty, it invariably earned him a laugh, and Gobel responded, in his low-key,...