According toWikipedia,Independent Filmis afilmproduced or made outside a major film studio. It is a "filmmaker's personal artistic vision." This is a bit confusing. All along I thought that films were made with "personal" touch to it. In a sense, everything we create is when our artist...
--Robert Redford [1] Sundance has come to Park City once again--the streets are filled with avid movie star oglers, film students who've hitched their way to Utah, the press corps, unknown filmmakers who are hoping to find a way to share their movies with a larger audience, industry ...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Wikipedia. Related to law of independent assortment: law of segregation, law of dominancelaw1 1. a rule or set of rules, enforceable by the courts, regulating the government of a state, the relationship between the organs of government ...
lese bands in de straten van Kinshasa en dergelijke. Om de film te vergezellen , een klassiek James Brown album uit 1971. Kijk en luister weer met plezier .. James Brown, Discogs James Brown, Wikipedia Soul Power, Wikipedia 01 – Blues & pants ...