But, a dependent clause relies on an independent clause to make a full sentence. That means that all sentences need an independent clause—no sentence can be complete without one! 2. Examples of Independent Clause Here are some examples of independent clauses that you use every day. As you ...
Example SentencesWord of the DayQuiz BritishCultural noun Seedependent clause grammara main or coordinate clauseComparedependent clause Discover More Example Sentences And last, if it deserves such a distinction, the thought may demand an independent clause or a sentence for itself. ...
Below are some additional examples of independent clauses: Anthony walked home. Eden loves to read. Identifying Independent Clauses and Dependent Clauses Independent clauses can stand on their own ascomplete sentences. Dependent clauses cannot stand on their own. They require the addition of at le...
•Sentencefragmentshappenbytreatingadependentclauseorotherincompletethoughtasacompletesentence SentenceFragments •Whichiscorrect?•1)BecauseIforgottheexamwastoday,Ididn'tstudy.•2)BecauseIforgottheexamwastoday.•Examples:•(or)Iforgottheexamwastoday.•Whattypeofsentencesarethese?MakeCompoundSentences...
Independent clauses are used in all types of complete sentences: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex. Like anything, the use of independent clauses can go wrong. Read Independent Clause | Definition, Types & Examples Lesson Recommended for You Video: Independent and Dependent Clauses |...
Clause: A group of related words that has a subject and a verb. Independent Clause: A group of related words containing a subject, a verb, and presenting a complete thought. Independent clauses can, therefore, stand alone as complete sentences. Dependent Clause: A group of related words ...
IndependentClause独立的条款 系统标签: clauseindependentsentencehamlet条款subordinating Subordinating Conjunction Subordinating Conjunction Coordinating Conjunction The Writing Center Punctuating a sentence correctly can often seem difficult and arbitrary. But knowing how sentences and parts of sentences combine can ta...
Type 1: Type 1: •Draw a picture that depicts an independent person and a dependent person. OR •List five differences between an independent person and a dependent person. Grammar Lesson: Grammar Lesson: Independent and Dependent Clauses. Clause: Clause: a group of words with a subject ...
we combine the independent clausesRabbits are quickandTurtles are slow, we get the sentenceRabbits are quick, but turtles are slow.Because both clauses can stand on their own as sentences, they each have equal importance in the new sentence. We are coordinating two complete sentences into one...
Independent Clauses, Subordinate Clauses, and Sentences "An independent clause is one that is not dominated by anything else, and asubordinate clauseis a clause that is dominated by something else. Asentence, on the other hand, can be made up of numerous independent and/or subordinate clauses...