IntelliJ IDEA displays the indentation information in thestatus bar. So, if your project has files of different types, the easiest way of learning the current indentation style and accessing the corresponding settings is to use theIndentationwidget. ...
Hello everyone, I am currently creating a plugin to support Eiffel language in Intellij Idea and I am stuck with a problem in the formatting model. To show the problem, I created a branch in my repo here: Here ... If we look at a limited section; I have the correct blocks, matching the AST/Psi And selecting the block nodes I get selection in the text that the editor think it is; But the above pulls all the text to the left. Why?
in python if statements: ifcondition:do_smth()else:# As soon as this can be recognized as an else statement, it should be outdented or when inserting a closing curly brace}which should be outdented. CLion (basically IntelliJ for C++ development) even correctly indents multiple lines after surr...
edited I just tested on Windows with Chrome and Firefox on, and the quickkeys are just working. The keys only work in code mode though, not in tree mode, can that explain it? If not, can you describe the exact steps you do, in which the quickkeys don't...
而产生这个问题的原因就是打包后的@activatedProperties@没有变为dev(可通过target/classes/application.yml 查看@activatedProperties@是否变为了dev,idea或maven 打包后会生成一个target 文件),还是和第一张图片一样,而spring boot 无法识别@ 标志导致报错,我的多环境配置是这样的: ...
in'reader', line 4, column 11: name: 什么加单引号、双引号的都没用。version、group-id都能正常引入。name、description这些不行。 在pom中配置了resource <resource> <directory>src/main/resources</directory> <filtering>true</filtering> ...
网页中有相关说明,最简单的方式是将“”添加到hosts文件中,然后点击页面底部的“获得注册码”按钮。接下来在本地用这个注册码激活即可。 值得说明的是,IntelliJ IDEA和sql集成查询工具DataGrip同属于JetBrains公司旗
/C:/Users/hp/.m2/repository/com/alibaba/fastjson/1.2.75/fastjson-1.2.75.jar, file:/D:/Program%20Files/JetBrains/IntelliJ%20IDEA%202020.1.1/lib/idea_rt.jar, file:/C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.1/captureAgent/debugger-agent.jar] */ 14:48:04.631 [main] ERROR org....
intellij idea vue js 报ESLint: Expected indentation of 0 spaces but found 2. (indent)错误解决方法 ESLint这东西是真的烦,把人当做机器来验证。没办法,遇到他了,死磕。 就因为script后面的内容被idea格式化之后空了两格,这就不得了了,你一个警告,总是搞一个error的标志,难道不知道程序员最忌讳的就是打...