IOError 输入/输出操作失败 OSError 操作系统错误 WindowsError系统调用失败 ImportError 导入模块/对象失败 LookupError 无效数据查询的基类 IndexError 序列中没有此索引(index) KeyError 映射中没有这个键 MemoryError内存溢出错误(对于Python 解释器不是致命的) NameError 未声明/初始化对象 (没有属性) UnboundLocalError...
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation levelIndentationError: unexpected indentTabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 出现这三种错误提示,主要是因为taps和space错误使用导致python代码没有对齐而无法编译。特别是从网上copy下来的代码,你不知道对方对齐时候的制表符是怎么...
因为python是以一行作为一条语句来运行,不是像C语言一样以分号结束一条语句,所以每条代码之间的空格需要有严格的要求。 解决方法:全体Tab一下。使得每个函数对应前面的空格是一致的。 比如,使用两个for循环打印九九乘法表,正常应该是这样: foriinrange(1,10):forjinrange(1,i+1):print(i,'*',j,'=',i*j...
from numpy import *import operatordef createDataSet(): group=array([[1.0,1.1],[1.0,1.0],[0,0],[0,0.1]]) labels=['A','A','B','B'] return group,labels print createDataSet()[willie@bogon zhidao]$ python (array([[ 1. , 1.1],[ 1. ...
IndentationError: unexpected indent “each line within a basic block must beindented by the same amount“. (Wrong use of the term “basic block”, [this python doc] 1) Make sure your lines are indented properly, remembering that Python thinks thattab stopsare every8 columns. ...
一个python脚本,本来都运行好好的,然后写了几行代码,而且也都确保每行都对齐了,但是运行的时候,却出现语法错误: IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level 【解决过程】 1.对于此错误,最常见的原因是,的确没有对齐。但是我根据错误提示的行数,去代码中看了下,没啥问题啊。
Indentation errors are a common beginner issue when first learning to program in Python.How to fix each error depends on the specifics of the case. The canonical indentation errors post covers them all.The specific errors covered:IndentationError: unexpected indent IndentationError: expected an ...
IndentationError: Unexpected Indent This error occurs when Python finds an indented line somewhere it doesn’t expect one. For example:The above code block raises an IndentationError because print("Hello!") should be indented. Here’s the corrected version:IndentationError...
In [1]: runcell(1, '/Users/quentinpeter/Desktop/') WARNING: This is not valid Python code. If you want to use IPython magics, flexible indentation, and prompt removal, please save this file with the .ipy extension. This will be an error in a future version of Spyder. ...
Got an error in terminal: x = 1 if x == 2: ... print('2') ... elif x == 1: File "", line 1 elif x == 1: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax print('1') File "", line 1 print('1') ^ IndentationError: unexpected indent My Spaces is 4 dmitrievskymax added triage-needed bug...