10. a certificate issued by a state or the federal government at the close of the Revolutionary War for the principal or interest due on the public debt. 11. Brit. a requisition for stores. [1350–1400; back formation from indented having toothlike notches, Middle English < Medieval Lati...
Add either label to this PR to merge it via the merge queue: merge- adds this PR to the back of the merge queue hotfix- for urgent hot fixes, skip the queue and merge this PR next You must have a Graphite account in order to use the merge queue. Sign up usingthis link. An organ...
p{text-indent:30%;background:plum;} Result Specification CSS Text Module Level 3 #text-indent-property Browser compatibility See also Learn to style HTML using CSS Related CSS properties: text-justify text-orientation text-overflow text-rendering ...
The following example uses the text-indent property to indent the text of the object. This example uses calls to an embedded style sheet to change the indent on the text when an onclick event occurs. The text was originally indented 2 centimeters using the DIV element as a selector in ...
and in each call the block is parsed scanning back to line 1 to determine the current line's indent level. So, work is repeated on each line and taking longer as the line number increases. Additionally, caching is a pain because there isn't an easy way to create a cache that's only...
On the automation of this task with a package, it would be interesting to know, I've done very shallow tests long time ago and I was not satisfied. In a nutshell What you ask is possible to do in LaTeX, but it is not recommended. There is a tradition of publishing for more ...
indent -br test/metabolism.c -l85 This will indent the program `test/metabolism.c' using the `-br' and `-l85' options, write the output back to SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Misc. Reference Manual Pages INDENT(1L) `test/metabolism.c', and write the original contents of `test/metabolism...
there is a big piece of information missing... what is your HTML structure... it's based on that, that the CSS will be able to correctly define the property - 13072901
I’ve worked on many projects where in I had to style the form/input buttons using custom background images. That is, I had to hide the default text of the button. It’s not a big deal, I know. But it is, when it comes to IE. Let’s review this in detail. ...
Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information. Full support Full support No support No support See also Learn to style HTML using CSS Related CSS properties: text-justify text-orientation text-overflow text-rendering text-transform ...