There are different styles of arranging type on a page, but it's fairly common to indent the beginning of a paragraph or section, which you can do with the tab key on a keyboard. Another way to indent is to cause a hollow, depression, or notch — in other words, to dent. This ...
The keyboard shortcuts also work with multiple cursors. Blocker: 1. The functions aren't connected to the editor's settings, meaning the space count is hardcoded to 2 spaces for now. 2. In the current implementation, the user cannot use the Tab key as expected. Related Issues closes ✨...
In Evil mode, outline-indent works out of the box, and you can use the Evil keyboard mappings: zo, zc, zO, zC, za, zr, and zm to manage folds.You may want to set a few additional key mappings:(with-eval-after-load "evil" (defun my-evil-define-key-outline-indent-minor-mode (...
Key Keyboard KeyColumn KeyVault KeyVertical KeywordSnippet KPI KPIBrowserView KPIWarning Label LandingPage LanguagePackage Large LastHistoryCommand LaunchConditionsEditor LaunchInstrumentationTargetBinary LaunchSamplingTarget Layer LayerDiagram LayerFillSlider LayoutEditorPart LayoutPanel LayoutPoints LayoutTransform Left...
Tabs come into play when you press theTabkey on your keyboard. It moves the cursor one-half inch by default, much like a shortcut for several spaces. Both indents and tabs are influenced by paragraph marks, which occur when you pressEnter. A new paragraph is started each time you press...
set( name, value ) → voidmodule:indent/indent~Indent#set:KEY_VALUE See source Creates and sets the value of an observable property of this object. Such a property becomes a part of the state and is observable. This method throws the observable-set-cannot-override error if the observable...
Q. #2) Is there a way to add a 'Styles' drop down menu on the document menu bar (not ideal but better than going through a deep detour into the menus and submenus to access this edit. Q. #3) Is there a way to configure a key command to make selected text 'Strike Through'?
On your keyboard, press Alt+Enter (Windows) or Option+Return (Mac) to add a line break. Your cell's content is now on multiple lines but still in the same cell. To add an indent to a line, put your cursor to the front of that line and then press Spacebar. Keep hitting this key...
Log.record('releasing key {0}'.format(self.key_map_inverse[key])) self.keyboard.release_key(key) self.held_keys.clear() Log.unindent() 开发者ID:onarf,项目名称:SwipeyJoeMcDesktop,代码行数:10,代码来源 示例4: process_gesture ...
(II) Use shortcut keys(the shortcut key for first line indent is Tab key) Select the first line to be indented, pressTabon your keyboard, the first line is indented by 0.5 inches, the demonstration is shown in Figure 4: Figure 4 ...