英国永居,也会过期?! 如果说移民英国是万里长征,那么当您在跨越重重障碍,消耗大量时间与金钱,与移民局各种“缠斗“之后,成功收到过签信:恭喜您,您的永居申请通过审批,从此您就是拥有ILR(Indefinite Leave to Remain)之人时,内心应该无比激动,同时也长舒了一口气:我再也不用辛苦准备移民申请,在等待移民局批复的过...
If you have permanent residence or indefinite leave to remain. ... If you have ILE or ILR , and you successfully apply to the EU Settlement Scheme, you'll get indefinite leave to enter or remain under the EU Settlement Scheme - also known as settled status. You will not have to prove ...
Indefinite leave to remain (ILR) means that a migrant to the UK has the right to live here permanently without immigration restrictions. ILR is also known as "settlement", "settlement visa" or "permanent residence". ILR will allow you and your family members to settle in the UK permanently...
Indefinite Leave to Remain gives you permission to live and work in the UK permanently. An Indefinite Leave to Remain visa - also known as ILR or Settlement - is the last step for any non-UK national or citizen to fulfill if they want to become eligible to apply forBritish citizenshipor ...