您有ILR或ILE,但您没有任何书面证据可以证明这一点 自获得无限期居留以来,您已合法更改了您的身份,并希望在BRP上对此进行确认 您的BRP可以使用10年,并且有一个有效期。我们建议您在到期前3个月左右申请更换。 如果您要更改BRP上的个人详细信息(例如姓名或性别),或者面部外观发生重大变化,则必须告知内政部。 如果...
If you have permanent residence or indefinite leave to remain. ... If you have ILE or ILR , and you successfully apply to the EU Settlement Scheme, you'll get indefinite leave to enter or remain under the EU Settlement Scheme - also known as settled status. You will not have to prove ...
Indefinite Leave to Remain can lapse if you break the conditions. For example, if you spend periods of more than two years outside of the UK, this can lead to the loss/lapse of Indefinite Leave to Remain or ILR status. ILR can also become invalidated for other reasons, such as if you...