Travel Nurse(离职员工)-Florida-2025年1月18日 I received assignments that matched my skills set, and I received support from my recruiters when needed.I also developed a good relationship with the hr coordinator who was very helpful. 优点 ...
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Recruiter (离职员工) - Florida - 2024年9月9日 many leaders in positions they have no experience in. Leadership lies about their experience - it's all about who you know in this company. Execs hire their "friends", instead of promoting within. Toxic work environment and expected to work 7...
RN Preceptor (Current Employee) - NE Florida - 28 January 2024 I love working for Concierge Home Care. We care about our patient's and employees. There is plenty of room for advancement, opportunity, and innovation. Was this review helpful? YesNo ReportShare 4.04.0 out of 5 stars. Solid...
Love connectRN I think it's a great company to work for...I base in Florida so there is not much to choose fromWhat is the most stressful part about working at the company?There is no stress. Your money is sure are management is easy to connect toWhat is the work environment and ...
Great travel company Travel Nurse RN (离职员工) - Augusta, GA - 2021年10月27日 Great pay, easy on boarding many opportunities. Many opportunities to pick from. Flexible contracts. Enjoyed all of my contracts working with this company. 优点 Flexible contracts 缺点 Management communication 这篇...
不限 地点 不限 按类别评分 3.7工作-生活平衡 3.5薪资与福利 2.9职位安全与晋升 3.4管理方式 3.6企业文化 搜索评价 搜索 排序方式 评分时间 语言 正在显示唯一的评价 5.0 Easy company to transition from the military environment to the civilian environment ...
CDI Specialist (离职员工) - Florida - 2024年6月14日 They do not value employees. This is a bare minimum company. They will try and get the best work out of you with little to nothing in return. There are a ton of other contract companies that have veracity, empathy, organization and ...
Erc is a great job they treat there employees like family with fair pay breaks raise and week free lunches the boss are friendly and fair the pay is the best I love etc they just want you to to travel at the last minute 优点