Collections (在职员工) - Pittsburgh, PA - 2016年10月13日 good people to work with, just not a good chance to advance. very one sided. would like the chance to move up in the company. overall management just thinks about themselves but my supervisor is awesome and she is there for us....
Pittsburgh, PA Link Viatris website Viatris (NASDAQ: VTRS) is a global healthcare company empowering people worldwide to live healthier at every stage of life. Our differentiated portfolio includes brands, generics, and complex generics across multiple therapeutic areas. Our product diversity comb...
Delivery Driver(在职员工)-Pittsburgh, PA-2025年1月9日 You will go out one day for hours and make great money, but not the next.Taxes are a hassle to file for and it puts a ton of wear and tear on your vehicle. 这篇点评对您有用吗?
Waste of time Enrollment Specialist (Former Employee) - Pittsburgh, PA - 25 August 2024 What is the best part of working at the company?There wasn't one, they are very inconsiderate to their employees and spread lies about you.What is the most stressful part about working at the company?
great-tasting, and nutritious foods for over 150 years. While Kraft Heinz is co-headquartered in Chicago and Pittsburgh, our brands are truly global, with products produced and marketed in over 40 countries. These beloved products include condiments and sauces, cheese and dairy, meals...Show mor...
Machinist (Current Employee) - Pittsburgh, PA - 18 February 2021 No method to the madness. You are expected to put Flowserve 1st at all times. Good for a single individual that wants to work away their days or has no life. Pros Job stability Cons Garbage castings Was this review helpful...
Brand Representative(離職員工)-Pittsburgh, PA-2024年10月13日 The job is relatively easy and you’re usually always busy. The management is horrible and they all have favorites that get treated differently. They can be rude and unfair.
Software Engineer(离职员工)-Pittsburgh, PA-2024年4月5日 My experience (5 years) was pretty great, but there are definitely better and worse groups within the company. Don't think of it as one company with one culture; two roles can be as different as any two companies you can think of...
Full-Time Sales(离职员工)-Pittsburgh, PA-2014年5月28日 Great atmosphere and good clients.Advancement is rapid and good, pay is not bad and features a commission.Company required you to wear a suit or vest or sweater to work. The wear and tear on clothes and expensive suits is...
Analyst(Current Employee)-Pittsburgh, PA-24 June 2021 Been contracting with Alcoa for 3 years and over half of our team are contractors. Contractors do not receive accommodations or flexibility as other members of the team do due to being a contractor. We are technically not allowed to work ...