Licensed Agent in Longview, WA 2.0 on December 16, 2024 Chaotic, disorganized and full of drama Their licensed agent program seems like a good idea in theory. Where it breaks down is in management and the lack of support. Support? Didn't see anyone but our immediate supervisor unless highe...
Temporary Employee(离职员工)-Longview, WA-2017年8月16日 Reliable staff.Good jobs the company is a great place to work only the job sites are far and we are charged for gas as it is time out of our day we are not being paid drive time and paying for gas not cool ...
Kitchen Team Member (离职员工) - Longview, WA - 2024年8月23日 Management was awful here, they only trained people on certain positions so it was really difficult to take breaks if no one else was trained on your position. while an unpaid 30 minute lunch break was required, it was frown...
Laboratory Assistant(Former Employee)-Longview, WA-4 September 2018 I really enjoyed working at Peace Health Laboratories. Team work between employees was of the upmost. Management was open and friendly. It was a fun working envionrment, with positive co workers and management. ...
TJ Maxx Associate (在职员工) - Longview, TX - 2024年11月26日 I come in at 4:50 am to 15 coffins and have to do it all myself then have everyone else pulling me around getting me to help them culture is good depending on who u talk too , hardest part is doing everything by my...
Chaotic, disorganized and full of drama Licensed Agent(在职员工)-Longview, WA-2024年12月16日 Their licensed agent program seems like a good idea in theory.Where it breaks down is in management and the lack of support.Support? Didn't see anyone but our immediate supervisor unless higher ups...
laborer(在职员工)-Longview, WA-2013年10月9日 work odd jobs all over with different time periods they do provide transportation 优点 work 缺点 2 hour rides to work and 2 hours back 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 4.0 Directeurs très accessible ...
Cook/Prep (离职员工) - Longview, TX - 2024年7月15日 The managers sit around and discuss the employees, the managers talk to the employees really bad. The managers doesn't respect the employees at all. They treat them like kids 优点 None 缺点 Healthcare 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分...
Caregiver(在职员工)-Longview, WA-2022年10月25日 I love all ways caring sometimes they can be disorganized or bad on communication but it’s also two way street!As long as your keeping good communication with them normally all is well!
Decent place. I loved my manager who really gave me one on one time and input on how to get better at my job. Excellent feedback and tracking of metrics. 优点 Great way to find how you rate amongst your peers 缺点 sometimes feel like a number or robot if overlooking the pros ...