Everyone talks about the Usps as if it were the premier position of great jobs.However after serving for nearly a year, I know that this is simply untrue. I was mandated to work on Easter which also happened to be my kid’s second birthday. I never had a Sunday off, requesting ...
The USPS is a great place to work, if you're single or married without kids. Especially if you start out as a PSE. Postal Support Employees are pretty much a In Between of Casual/Temp and Career employees. Pay is good and there's lots of hours but if you're int...
This was one of my best jobs. There was interesting work, I learned a great deal and I felt as though I was contributing to a highly important aspect of society. My supervisors and colleagues were a pleasure to be around. Unfortunately, my commute was terrible. It was the only reason th...
不限 按类别评分 清空 2.8工作-生活平衡 3.6薪资与福利 3.2职位安全与晋升 2.7管理方式 3.0企业文化 搜索评价 搜索 排序方式 评分时间 语言 已找到符合搜索的1,085条评价查看 37,374 条评论 4.0 Great benefits Postal Worker(在职员工)-Michigan-2023年1月16日 ...
Everyday you will be processing shipments,tacking shipments, as well doing USPS. Management was very professional and always gave everyone a chance at learning new things but mostly helping an employee when mostly needed. My coworkers were all very dedicated to their jobs and made the environment...
In the 1980s when I began my career at the USPS, there weren't very many automated mail processing machines in use. The jobs were mostly manually worked mail positions. I began on an existing machine, the MPLSM (multi-position letter sorting machine) and the atmosphere was congenial...