Not for under 18s but great people. Wages for younger workers are unfair as you do the same amount of work as older staff but receive around half of what they do. Moreover, company system can be a bit stressful as there is no security and therefore you have to be more attentive to ...
Not for under 18s but great people.Wages for younger workers are unfair as you do the same amount of work as older staff but receive around half of what they do. Moreover, company system can be a bit stressful as there is no security and therefore you have to be more attentive to the...
Good place to work for a part time job. Wage for under 18s is just over minimum wage but still not the best. Sometimes boring but can always find something to do. Work team were amazing 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 Dunelm的官方回复2023年5月15日 Many thanks for taking the tim...
Good place to work for a part time job. Wage for under 18s is just over minimum wage but still not the best. Sometimes boring but can always find something to do. Work team were amazing 这篇点评对您有用吗? 报告 分享 Dunelm的官方回复 ...
Excpect you to do things in a little time but asks you to do other jobs for them. Managers, team leaders and other higher staff stand at the top of the stairs chatting for ages but none of the associates are allowed to talk to each other. Some groups are snide and make you feel ...
I worked for Sainsbury's for a couple of years as an online driver, but during that time it became a toxic environment. The jobs easy enough, but you get next to no support from management. And they like to throw around disciplinaries for the daftest of reasons. I would avoid at all...
Doing your our job but also having to do other jobs like tills or stock What is the work environment and culture like at the company?Not always good but you make great work companions to make up for itWhat is a typical day like for you at the company?Very stressful and tiring when ...
Decent workplace especially for students Customer Care Assistant(离职员工)-Preston, Lancashire-2022年9月21日 The McDonald's I worked at, at the time paid 7.70 for under 18s and 9.70 for those over. It can be hard to get a day off sometimes due to poor management of holidays. My job ...
Lots to do as you’re multi trained. Constantly swapping jobs throughout the day to benefit the business. Managers can micro manage quite a lot. Break time is fair and the staff discount is good. 优点 Discount 缺点 Managers 这篇点评对您有用吗?
BAD: Contracts on high street are frequently extremely low hour. And unlike some other jobs there is not much cover unless you get lucky. 8 hour contracts are common. 12 hours for openers and closers. No sign of this increasing. Combined with min wage, this is not enough to live. Stores...