Backroom Associate (在职员工) - Champaign, Illinois - 2025年2月18日 If you start as part time, don’t expect to get anywhere asking for more hours if your situation changes. Management will give you an answer that sounds fake so you don’t ask again and 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报...
Ambassador (在職員工) - Decatur, GA - 2020年10月15日 OverallSP plus you typically will have a set schedule Monday through Friday if your full-time if you were the weekend I will say about 15 hour Good pay for the work that you do 這個點評對您有用嗎? 是否 舉報分享 ...
Deli/Bakery Coordinator and Assistant Store Leader (在职员工) - Illinois - 2022年11月25日 Kroger offers some great benefits and the pay for management isn't bad compared to other companies. But they expect way too much from too few people. They pay a lot of lip service to caring about ...
优点 lots of vacation time 缺点 10 hours a day 6 days a week 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 4.0 As jobs go Freight Payment Associate (在职员工) - Chattanooga, TN - 2017年9月30日 This was a great chance to learn and gather more experience for the future. The worst part of ...
Machine Operator in Dry Starch(离职员工)-Decatur, Illinois-2012年1月8日 Alot of last minute mandatory overtime that you can't refuse no matter what you have already planned for your time off.Poor communication at the supervisor/senior management level. 12 hour swing shift(6am-6pm and vice ...
Driver/Operator(离职员工)-Decatur, GA-2023年7月25日 I thought for a starter company, they were great. They treated newer drivers with respect. They gave us new equipment and if we had any questions or concerns, they actually listened.. ...
AR Rep (离职员工) - Illinois - 2021年7月15日 Enjoyed working here. Not much room for advancement but a great place to start your career and gain experience. Good management that helped each person excell in their role. 优点 The team constantly made target, great home/work balance 这篇...
Substation Electrician Journeyman / Crew Leader(离职员工)-Decatur, IL-2013年12月24日 Lots of work, learn a lot through my career here, co- workers are great to work with, Hardest part of the job was being on the Road 95% of the time. Different things to learn all the time. ...