Create an account or sign in to see your personalized job recommendations. Get Started Post your resume-It only takes a few seconds Employers:Post a job Indeed helps people get jobs:Over 16 million stories shared For jobs in China, ...
Employers may request that you email another individual to schedule an interview. This can be someone you have not contacted in the job application process. Here is an example you can refer in this situation: Dear Mr Anand, Thank you for considering me for the merchandising role at Volga Leat...
Contact details:Including your contact information on your resume is essential for ensuring that potential employers can reach you if they want to ask you questions about your application or schedule an interview. Professional history:Your professional history includes your work history, volunteer position...
People often apply for multiple jobs, so it is important to state the company's name and the job title the candidate will fill. If the offer letter is an email, employers can put this information in the subject line. Mentioning the business name and job title in the first one or two ...
References are people who can confirm your claims about your professional achievements, education, experience, habits, skills and character. Employers use references to verify your resume and to determine whether you are a good fit for their organisation. When you apply for a job that requires empl...
You can also include the city and province or territory you live in rather than your full address to show employers you're a local candidate. Including your contact information at the top of your resume makes it easy for employers to contact you and invite you to interview for the position...
Phone number:A recruitment manager might want to contact you to clarify aspects of your CV or invite you for an interview. Include a phone number that you use regularly to make it easier for them to contact you. Email address:You can show your professionalism by using a simple and formal ...
Demonstrate your commitment and excitement for the job to reassure the employer that they made the right decision in hiring you. Related:What Is The Correct Format Of An Email Address? (With Examples) Upload your resume on Indeed Let employers find you when you create an Indeed Resume ...
An accountant CV is a professional document used to summarise who you are and what qualifications and experience you have. The document shows employers at a glance if you're a suitable candidate for a role. It includes your work history, your professional qualifications and the skills you have...
The skills section is where you make known your desirable soft and hard skills to prospective employers. Hiring managers can value this section of a resume because it helps them evaluate what specific abilities you have and how suitable these are for the role. An executive manager is a senior...