(IND) View related vouchers to verify voucher and tax accounting entries (IND) Maintain sales tax transactions for Accounts payable Microsoft Dynamics AX reports (IND) Accounts receivable (IND) General ledger (IND) Fixed assets (IND) Procurement and sourcing (IND) Sales...
Accounting data Finance is fully compliant with the requirement to record accounting data. TheAudit trailfunction on theVoucher transaction inquirypage fetches the financial transaction entries that are posted in the general ledger and on reports. The function opens theAudit trail inqu...
As of March 1, 2022, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance is in compliance with the new Indian tax legislation guidelines for accounting software to record an audit trail of all transactions. Additionally, an edit log is created for each change that is made to an account. Th...
As of March 1, 2022, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance is in compliance with the new Indian tax legislation guidelines for accounting software to record an audit trail of all transactions. Additionally, an edit log is created for each change that is made to an account. This...
Accounting data Finance is fully compliant with the requirement to record accounting data. TheAudit trailfunction on theVoucher transaction inquirypage fetches the financial transaction entries that are posted in the general ledger and on reports. The function opens theAudit trail inquiry...
Accounting data –Entries that are posted in the general ledger. Trade data –This data includes credit limits and payment terms, among other types. Other data –This data can include user log information.Accounting dataFinance is fully compliant with the requirement to record acco...