1、The incubation period is usually 3 to 14 days.潜伏期通常为3—14天。 2、The incubation period for RVF varies from two to six days.裂谷热潜伏期(从感染到出现症状)为2至6天。 3、Preliminary Study on Artificial Incubation of Emu Eggs鸸鹋卵人工孵化初探 4、Legionnaires' disease has an ...
Embryonic heart rate measurements during artificial incubation of emu eggs. Br Poult Sci 2000: in press.Tazawa, H., Ar, A., Moriya, K., Gefen, E., Pearson, J.T., 2000. Embryonic heart rate measurements during artificial incu- bation of emu eggs. Br. Poult. Sci. 41, 89-93....
Young: Usually two eggs per year; incubation period of 27 to 28 days—“one of the longest periods known for a passerine bird” 育雏:通常每年下两只蛋,孵化期为27至28日,是“雀形目鸟当中孵化期比较长”的雀鸟 jw2019 16. (a) How do sea turtles, some birds and alligators incubate thei...
implying that vocal learning may start much earlier than currently acknowledged for this species38. Furthermore, Mariette and Buchanan8showed that zebra finch parents produce a distinct incubation call, at high temperature and during the final third of the incubation period8. These ...
The size of eggs, laying intervals, incubation periods, hatching success and causes of egg mortality in Little Penguins, Eudyptula minor, were studied on Phillip Island, Victoria. The mean laying interval was 3 days (range 2–7 days); the mean incubation period was 35.4 days (range 33–44 ...
Emu - Austral OrnithologyGwynne, A.J. (1932). Notes on the Red-capped Dotterel and the Period of Incubation of its Eggs. The Emu 32: 117-118.Gwynne, A.J. (1932a). Notes on the Red-capped Dotterel and the Period of Incubation of its Eggs. The Emu, 32: 117-118....
To investigate the costs of incubation, 60 pairs of Short-tailed Shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostris) were studied on Great Dog Island, Tasmania, to determine if body mass influences incubation routines, duration of foraging trips and neglect of eggs. Body mass throughout the incubation period varied...
To investigate the costs of incubation, 60 pairs of Short-tailed Shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostris) were studied on Great Dog Island, Tasmania, to determine if body mass influences incubation routines, duration of foraging trips and neglect of eggs. Body mass throughout the incubation period varied...
incubation periodincubation successincubation shiftnest desertionProcellariiformes have prolonged incubation shifts, with breeding birds enduring long periods of fasting and substantial reductions in body mass. These changes can be physically demanding and parents must balance their own energy requirements with...