Depending on the disease, the incubation period can be just a few hours or can last for several months. Knowing the incubation period for a disease can help you understand if your child is still at risk of getting sick or if he is in the clear — whether he is exposed to someone with...
The incubation period is the time interval between exposure to a disease-causing agent and the onset of symptomatic disease. For example, the incubation period of an infectious disease refers to the time interval between infection or exposure to a viral or bacterial agent and the onset of ...
Use 'incubation' when talking about the process of development, such as the incubation period of a disease or the incubation of an idea. Examples: The incubation period for the flu is typically 1-4 days. The incubation of the eggs lasted 21 days. ...
theperiodoftimebetweenharmfulbacteriaorvirusesenteringa person's or animal'sbody, orenteringaplant, and theeffectsof adiseaseappearing: (细菌或病毒在体内)潜伏期 Theaverageincubationperiodof thevirusisthoughtto be fivedays.该病毒的平均潜伏期被认为是五天。
The unusually long incubation period for this disease dictates an unusually long trial period. The incubation period of Hepatitis A is generally a month but can range from 15 to 50 days, health officials said. The incubation period varies depending on the time of year when the eggs were laid...
lapse oftheincubation periodforthe disease concerned, or the isolation/quarantine [...] 當衞生 主任認 為該人不 具傳染性(例 如 醫學測試結果顯 示 該人已獲有效治療,或 有關疾病的潛伏期已過),又或有關的隔離/檢疫可由限 制性較 ...
Noun1.incubation period- the period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of the disease period,period of time,time period- an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period" ...
15. The doctor advised the patient to avoid contact with others during the incubation period of the contagious disease. 16. The eggs are marked with the date of incubation to track their progress. 17. The incubation period for a cold typically lasts about 2-3 days. 18. The incubation cente...
实际上潜伏期有两种不同的翻译方式,即“Incubation period”和“Latent period”。这两个词都是“潜伏期”的意思,但区别在于前者指的是在接触病原体、化学品、辐射后首次出现症状或体征的时间间隔,也就是我们一般印象中“潜伏期”的含义;而...
The disease has an incubation period of 3 to 9 days. 该病的潜伏期为3至9天。 WHO A person usually has no symptoms for two to 21 days (the “incubation period”). 人们通常在两天至21天(“潜伏期”)内并没有任何症状。 WHO Like any new Apache project, it entered an incubation ...