In addition, with the spread of the Delta and Omicron variants, the current incubation period of COVID-19 is different from that in the outbreak of Wuhan. This meta-analysis was aimed to determine the overall pooled incubation period of COVID-19 and the incubation period of COVID-19 ...
Data from the SingHealth COVID-19 registry, covering patients from 23 January 2020 to 10 June 2022, were used to calculate incubation periods during the three time periods. The study found median incubation periods of 11 days for Wuhan-Hu-1, 3 days for Delta, and 3 days for Omicron (p-...
TheOmicron variant, which evolved from previous strains of COVID-19, was once the most dominant type of coronavirus in the U.S. Research shows it spreads faster and has a shorter incubation period than the SARS-CoV-2 variants that came before it. Omicron’s incubation is around 3 days, c...
Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern over a period of Delta and Omicron cocirculation, among patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in an Italian refere... Despite the higher transmissibility of Omicron Variant of Concern (VOC), several reports have suggested lower risk for hospitalization and...
We conducted a systematic search of PubMed and pre-print servers for observational studies of 1. places associated with transmission of Delta, and 2. the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Delta using the terms ‘COVID-19 vaccine effect’, and ‘Delta variant’. We did not find any...
A larger proportion of presymptomatic transmission was observed for the Omicron (62%) compared to the Delta variants (48%). The Omicron cases had higher mean viral load over an infection course than the Delta cases, with the elder cases appearing more infectious than the younger cases for both...