Just today,Kloutjust released a plugin for Twitter that displays an “influence” score (see the screenshot below), but this type of technology and scoring is currently in its infancy, and still marginally beneficial in the context of real life. However, some large and well known organizations...
meanwhile another activity B gets launched. By default, acivity B will come on top of activity A. My requirement is that I want to keep A on top. Only activities such as phone, lock screen and home screen can come on top of me not other activities unless my activity closes. ...
(708) 535-2237 Managing Editor Emily Halgrimson emily@todaysmachiningworld.com Features Editor Noah Graff noah@todaysmachiningworld.com Web Manager Noah Graff noah@todaysmachiningworld.com Creative Director Robert Bocok / Top Creative Group tmwmagart@gmail.com Circulation Director Sue Ravenscraft -...
Increasing attention, interactivity, and engagement. And making the content of your speakers more sticky. He can be on the premises, or he can drop into your event virtually. Book him now. Whatsapp or Telegram him on +27741046386, or email royblumenthal@gmail.com....