If a graph exists on an interval, it is doing one of three things Increasing (y-values increase as x increases) Decreasing (y-values decrease as x increases) Staying constant (y values stay the same as x increases) The derivatives tell us this information because it tells us the slope. ...
A decreasing tendency in the spread of orientations is visible in pole figures from the least derived taxon Pro. muelleri (Fig. 2a) to the most derived ones, T. gracilis and Palmatolepis sp. Pro. muelleri stands out with the lowest TI values ranging from 4 to 48 (mean 12, Fig. 3a)...
Our observation of decreasingGnetwith increasingPnetat a global scale supports phase-shift theories. Phase shifting is observed in impacted reefs where lost coral cover is replaced by marine algae61. Shifting dominance of coral ecosystem functionality to marine algae results in lower reef resilience14,...
in this case, fossils. It can take place in the water column even during the life of the organism, in the immediate post-mortem interval when the fossil becomes part of the sediment components on the seafloor, or during burial in the sediment, which – on longer time scales...
Because the decreasing of ∠H12(ju) around um1 is more rapid than the falling of ∠H12(ju) around um12, the latter plot is flatter than the former one. 30 25 |H | 12 dB |H2| 1 dB 20 15 a 7b 7 a 5 b 5 b 10 3 a 3 5 u m12 0 10−1 100 u 101 u 102 m1 m2 ...