Some credit cards, such as those designed for people with fair credit, let you qualify for a credit limit increase if you make a certain number of on-time bill payments. Others will automatically assess your situation after a set period of time to see if you qualify. The Capital One Plati...
These limit cycles result from the subsequent supercriti- cal Andronov–Hopf bifurcations. The transformation of the growth cycle into industrial cycle gives credit to raising status of capital-output ratio from auxiliary in L-1 to the level (phase) variable in four-dimensional L-2. A ...
The recent Capital One acquisition of Discover will likely be under significant regulatory scrutiny as the combined entity would become the sixth largest bank in the U.S. Recent political commentary has been highly critical of the combination, citing potential negative effects on consumers and the ...
Given a distribution of losses L and a low enough threshold probability α, one can define the Value-at-Risk at α (VaRα) for L as the α-quantile of L. VaR is widely used in the financial sector to determine the minimum capital requirements needed to compensate extreme losses from a ...
Additional support through the provision of technical advice through revamped national R&D services; a supply of good-quality seed and other inputs, including farm credit; and enabling policy are needed for profitable and sustainable intensification of rice cultivation in SSA. It is also critical to...
1. Minimize Credit Card Debt Debt is not always a bad thing. It allows us to purchase a home while we are young enough to enjoy years of enjoyment, and it allows us to buy a vehicle when the upfront costs might keep us from affording one for many years. ...
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author...
We analyzed mean height of men born in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in 80 countries. Both height and the change in height during the last decades were correlated with N and P intake, as well as the N:P intake ratio. Rich countries had higher per capita N a
CerebraL Paragraphs Increasing the cerebral power, one paragraph at a time ||Skip to content Home About Me Holy Cow Slaughter Ban & Rise of Cow Vigilantism! June 15, 2020 / 1 Comment Image Credit: Indian Express This article was written during the period when many states in India, where...
This may somewhat limit our understanding of participants’ uptake of 4v and 9v-HPV vaccines, but because imported 9v-HPV vaccines are unaffordable for many, the likelihood of the imported 9v-HPV being included in government supported universal health programs is low in the next decade. Domestic ...