The definition of AD was based on the presence of relevant ICD-10 codes (F00 or G30) and the prescription of medication for AD (galantamine, rivastigmine, donepezil, or memantine), as determined using the NHIS claims database. When codes for AD both and other types of dementia were ...
To assess cause-specific mortality risk in the study cohort, common causes of death were classified into 15 broad categories according to the ICD-10. The standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated by dividing the observed number of deaths among patients with schizophrenia by the expected...
New-onset AF was further classified into AF 1 and AF 2 by the following criteria: (i) AF 1: one outpatient record and (ii) AF 2: ≥ two outpatient records or ≥ one inpatient record based on ICD-10 codes in the K-NHIS database. One inpatient record was required for ...
In addition, from 2005 to 2015, several other major comorbid diagnoses were separately captured with checkboxes (coded by NCHS staff using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM]).14 Other Measures To further assess the association of ...
Administrative healthcare databases provide comprehensive longitudinal datasets to estimate changing trends, but their accuracy for identifying SARD must be established, given their use for billing purposes and the diagnostic uncertainty inherent in the disease. Methods In a stable population of over 900,...
Besides GO we can envision similar methodologies easily applied to Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO), Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI), SNOMED, and International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD10). One example, within the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) [42], there is a high ...
Prospective studies on the diagnostic accuracy with confirmed neuropathological cases, via MRI, amyloid PET, or CSF biomarkers, should be considered for validating the application of plasma OAβ levels as a diagnostic biomarker. Conclusion The present study indicates that elevated levels of OAβ in...
Second, although a differential misclassification of ICD-9 code 572.0 for pyogenic liver abscess may be present due to the natural limitation of the claim database, we included patients only with primary discharge diagnosis of pyogenic liver abscess for analysis. Therefore, the...
(and therefore included in the non-PVC group) but developed PVC after 2009, he or she was censored at the that time period. The event date of new-onset AF was the date of the second outpatient input or the first inpatient input of ICD-10 code for AF. All tests were two-tailed, ...
To evaluate the capacity of WGS to detect SNVs or indels, we compared our WGS data to independent exome sequencing data on 1154 of the 1162 schizophrenia cases10. We estimated genotype accuracy by calculating the concordance rate between genotypes from WGS and WES10 for all autosomes. For SN...