margin={1cm,1cm}]{geometry} \begin{document} \begin{table}[h] \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.7} \caption{Descriptive statistics of some numerical variables of the used dataset.} \label{t0} \begin{tabular}
How can I increase the size of only the cells that contain the name of the columns in a table? (in the photo are Impiegto, Progetto and Funzione) This is my LaTeX overleaf code: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{table}[h!] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c...
About 5 trillion plastic particles are present in our oceans, from the macro to the micro size. Like any other aquatic particulate, plastics and microplastics can create a micro-environment, within which microbial and chemical conditions differ significa
The surrounding microenvironment limits tumour expansion, imposing a compressive stress on the tumour, but little is known how pressure propagates inside the tumour. Here we present non-destructive cell-like microsensors to locally quantify mechanical st
[5]. There are many commercial products derived from the different parts of theC. papayaplant, the most prominent being papain and chymopapain, which is produced from the latex of the young fruit, stem, and the leaves.C. papayaleaves have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Recent ...
2 Better margins in tabular's cells containing math-mode 1 Tabular header vertical align and row height 2 How can I equally space the row height in this table? See more linked questions Related 80 How to specify the row height in LaTeX table? 11 Increasing height of single row in ta...
About increasing the dimensions of the sidebar and the font size, the solution is this: \useoutertheme[left, height=0pt, width=4cm]{sidebar} \setbeamerfont{sidebar}{size=\scriptsize} \setbeamerfont{section in sidebar}{size=\small} Credits to I still ne...
and consequently did not increase hemin (Fig.3and Table1). Indazole compounds (DIM 5 and DIM 32) gave IC50values comparable to chloroquine in agreement with former results45. However, these drugs behaved differently to quinolines as they precipitated hemin which redissolved during assay of absorba...
2 Control placement of text in tabular environment 1 tabularray: making a table with variable column separation to span the whole table width 3 Make table whose width is more than the text width to center with `tabularray` in LaTeX? 0 Tabularray warning: Table width is too small...
The fonts in column headers is defined with \renewcommand\theadfont{\bfseries\normalsize} Comments of Mico remain me, that many people (among them me too) consider table more aesthetically if font in column headers are not in bold face. This is simple achieve with use: \renewcommand\thead...