The present invention provides a device for indicating the pH value of water in an aquarium, comprising a transparent container for an indicator liquid, said container to be dipped into the water of the aquarium said container be provided with a seal which is gas permeable and impermeable to ...
A more discrete cortisol increase occurred in the zebrafish housed in the same aquarium as non-predator goldfish. In this case, however, the response was lower than that induced by the predator and higher than the basal levels of undisturbed zebrafish. This experi- ment also revealed that ...
We conducted a 5-week manipulative aquarium experiment in the Marine Ecology Lab in the Centre for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technology (UFT) at the University of Bremen in Bremen, Germany. The specimens ofX. umbellatathat were used in this experiment are originally from the Red Sea ...
Predator chemical cues increase growth and alter development in nauplii of a marine copepod Oda Bjærke*, Tom Andersen, Josefin Titelman Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, PO Box 1066, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway ABSTRACT: Copepods are a fundamental trophic link in the marine food...
If you want your fish to live a long life, but still want to keep them in an indoor aquarium, this method gives you the best of both worlds. When you first purchase your Goldfish, you can start out by raising them in a 50 or75 gallon indoor tank. ...
in aquarium stores and online auctions in Brazil (Magalhães and Andrade2015; MercadoLivre2017a,b,c). In the same way, the Normative Instruction 05 of 2004 prohibits the trade of invasive sun coral (Tubastreaspp.; Ministério do Meio Ambiente2004), but the species also is being sold in ...
[26] reportedEscherichia/Shigellain the core microbiota of Atlantic salmon pre-smolts in FW in aquarium and loch environment conditions. In addition, Lorgen-Ritchie et al. [9] describe the presence ofPseudomonassp. in the core microbiota of FW/SW Atlantic salmon gut. Interestingly, this study ...
Zebrafish are used as experimental animals in labs all around the world. To ensure that the health of zebrafish is maintained at the highest level, it is important to know the optimal housing conditions of the animals, including the housing density. Guidelines for housing densities of zebrafish ...