gate. For years of model discharge without a corresponding observation map, we assume the percentage error of the nearest observation year and add an additional standard deviation to the velocity error. We assume the uncertainty in the annual SMB trend to be 20% in line with previous studies23...
(The given parameters resulted in a pack margin that was too high. Please increase Min Lightmap Resolution or Min Object Scale to reduce the calculated pack margin.)什么增加最小光照贴图分辨率或最小对象比例,我改怎么改... 分享1赞 英语吧 chrischantime whatever什么意思中文whatever的中文意思是无论...
( 一个字哭 两个字想哭 三个字好想哭 分享35赞 战争附言吧 上帝信条 战争附言新春更新,101st和刺刀他又lei了本次更新,强烈建议清空缓存 测了一年的更新他终于来了,话不多说更新日志如下 V1.0.251 -Add: New map Veghel (AAS 01 + Offensive 01) 新增:新地图Veghel(AAS 01 + Offensive 01) -Add:...
[8d–i1n1c].heTmhoestheeorabpseeruvtiactipornostopcroolsmaplotnede osrevinecraolmrbeisneaatricohn g[1ro2]u.pAsstoa dcoevneseloqpuecnNc-eI,Iainnhuibmitboerrsothf actelclomuloddebles ainppwliheidchincNch-eIImwoaths,eraatpseoumtiec dpergortoeec,oslsileanlocnede owreirne cdoemveblionpaet...
In this study, we investigated whether the level of intracellular ROS could influence the expression of p62/SQSTM1 in TB-, BZ-, MET-, and Q-treated PEL cells, and evaluated its role in KSHV lytic cycle activation. It has been shown that p62/SQSTM1 negatively affects viral replication in...
Omnibus tests have been widely used in several fields such as neurology and pharmacology [49–52] and allow the use of uncorrected probability values, but the multiple comparison issue can be solved by only indicating a significant map when the number of significant differences that it contains ...
Saehqlruaeiahtdarbyalezdoeafnoindresdiursratitagitnahaetbioelenndusaoerfeotfahreeisg1i9ol7on0acsl,awbteyadtreerivnriessinnoguorrtcthehes.woTrehigseitngeaorlanlpsrIworjaeecqret,stowintiaotkhredieninr tttoohaeaccchhoiuiegnvhtetlahanends of the KurdistandMevoeluopnmtaeinnt soifnmSourleaycommapnet...
As aAlrseaadlryeacdayrrciaerdrieoduotuitninpprervevioiouuss wwoorrkk[[2222],],bbyymmeaenasnosf tohfetohpeeonp-seonu-rscoe uQrGceISQapGpIlSicaatpiopnli,caation, a mapmthwaepsitawhmittehhepthrcoeobcoaorbodirliidntyiantaoetfseasoofflftohtohedeisnsuugbbessvttaaettniioot nn(Fssihghauasrsebbe...
The performed experimental test of aerodynamic force implementation into the AFM cantilever contrTohl reepveeraflosramreadngeexpoferuismefeunltaalirtepsrteossfuareersofdoyrnoaumr imc ofodricfieeidmApFleMmmenetaastuiorneminetnottsheenAsoFrMasc1a–n1t2ilekvPear. cTohnetrvoallrueeveoafltshaersaunpgpeloyf...
PCoA (Figure 5) and hierarchical cluster heat-map analysis (Figure 6) revealed the similarity and differences of bacterial and fungal communities in the four treatments at the genus level. The results of PCoA showed that PCoA 1, PCoA 2, and PCoA 3 explained 82.9%, 10.6%, and 2.9%, ...