Youth unemployment rates in Europe are dramatically high; in 2011 around 5.5 million young people were unemployed throughout the European Union. This equalled an unemployment rate of 21.4 per cent, a rate that continues to rise, having hit the 22 per cent mark in the first half of 2012. Wh...
Many investors believe the Fed will wait longer before raisingrates, after a policy maker said...Appelbaum, Binyamin
A one percentage point rise in unemployment is associated with a 0·99% increase in the suicide rate ([0.60, 1.38], p < 0.0001), which is closer to the association estimated when there were no labour market protections (1·06%).Conclusion Our findings have immediate implications for policy...
The rate of inflationincreasedby 2%. 通货膨胀率增长了2%。 牛津词典 The price of oilincreased. 石油价格上涨了。 牛津词典 increasinglevels of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere 地球大气层中日益增多的二氧化碳含量 牛津词典 Oilincreasedin price . ...
Linkages between climate and mental health are often theorized but remain poorly quantified. In particular, it is unknown whether the rate of suicide, a leading cause of death globally, is systematically affected by climatic conditions. Using comprehensive data from multiple decades for both the Unite...
Some surveys even have a response rate as low as 10%! Think about all the time and effort lost in the preparation. Let’s shatter the notion that surveys are snooze-worthy. They’re not just boxes to tick; they’re invitations to connect, understand, and improve. With these rejuvenated ...
“A higher credit limit increases your spending power. But ideally, you should pay off your account balance in full every month before the deadline to avoid paying costly interest,” advises Rossman. Indeed, having a heightened credit limit enables you to make more substantial transactions with ...
The huge influx of migrants has aggravated the economic burden and increased the crime rate in Europe, triggering greater anti-immigrant sentiment in some regional countries and prompting a heated debate across Europe over the distribution of refugees and migrants fleeing conflict and poverty. ...
The fare increase effected by the Amendment Regulation in relation to the urban, NT and Lantau taxis is at the average rate [...] 藉修訂規例增加收費後, 市區、 新界及大嶼山的士的平均收費加幅分別為5.15% 、 8.05% 及 4.11%。 [...] display of lights and...
Looking forward, Wang expects overseas institutions' investment in domestic bonds to sustain a steady growth momentum backed by a sound macroeconomic environment, a stable renminbi exchange rate, and an increase in the use of renminbi in global cross-border transactions.■...