favorable the terms and lower the interest rates on your future credit cards and loans. Understanding how to increase your credit card limits today could result in cost savings down the road when applying for new credit cards, mortgages or auto loans. It can even mean lower insurance premiums....
It’s important to note that the increase in insurance premiums due to reckless driving is not a short-term consequence. In most cases, the increase will remain on your policy for at least a few years, as insurance companies consider reckless driving incidents as a reflection of your long-te...
Car insurance costs spiked by 15% in 2024, driven by inflation, complex vehicle repairs, and growing climate risks.
Prepaid reinsurance premiums (increase)/decrease (11.6 ) (28.1 ) Other assets (increase)/decrease (42.7 ) (46.5 ) Premiums payable to insurance companies increase/(decrease) 158.8 148.7 Premium deposits and credits due customers increase/(decrease) (12.9 ...
(Social Security and Medicare) as well as employer-paid federal and state unemployment insurance premiums. Unemployment insurance premiums are tied to the employer’s payroll dollars. The compound effect of payroll taxes and worker compensation insurances make every $1.00 in gross pay cost the...
If, for example, you are eligible for a primary insurance amount of $2,000, or $24,000, at age 66, then by waiting until age 70, your annual benefit would increase to $31,680. In cumulative terms, you would increase your total benefits from $378,000 received by your life expectancy...
“insurance fraud capital of the world”, is experiencing somewhat of a fraud-epidemic. Insurance fraud is estimated to cost New York taxpayers over $1 billion per year. Jeff Ferguson, an assistant DA in Brooklyn, says that if new measures aren’t taken soon, car insurance may becometoo ...
Several regulated health insurance markets include the option for consumers to choose a voluntary deductible. An important motive for this option is to red
Porch Group, Inc., a homeowners insurance and vertical software platform, today announced it has filed a new and updated application to form and license a Texas reciprocal insurance exchange with the Texas Department of Insurance. If approved and fully i